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What is IBADAH?

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Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala says:
I have only created Jinn and men, that they may serve Me.’ (Surat Al Dhariyat, ayah 56)
Ibadah is the reason behind our existence on the face of this earth. The reason for our existence is to worship Allah the Most Merciful, the Most High and none other but Him.
It is in the actualization of this lofty reason that Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala took it upon His Mercy to send various Messengers and Prophets to teach, guide and lead men from darkness to light, and from ignorance to knowledge.
Ibadat has many forms, and it includes all forms of outward obedience of the tongue and the limbs and inward obedience of the heart, like remembrance of Allah, Tasbeeh, Tahleel, reciting the Qur'aan, Salaat, Zakaat, Siyam, Hajj, commanding the good and forbidding the evil, doing good to the relatives, orphans, poor and travelers. Similarly, love of Allah and His Messenger, fear of Allah and returning to him, sincerity in the Deen, (Sabr) being patient with His Rule and (Radaa) being pleased with His Decree, (Tawakkul) reliance upon Him, (Rajaa) hope in His Mercy, (Khauf) fear from His punishment (are worships of the heart).
Thus, Ibadah includes all the actions of a Mumin (believer), if he intends to worship Allah with them or that which aids this purpose, even his habit (qualify to come under worshiping Allah) if he intends to worship Allah with them, like sleep, food, drink, buying and selling, seeking provision and marriage.

The four principles of Ibadah are:
  1. Knowledge: Knowledge is the bedrock and backbone of every aspect of human endeavors. It is also the chief difference between humans and other animals. That is why seeking or acquiring it is more pertinent when it affects worshiping Allah. All knowledge essential to form the basis of worshiping Him must as a matter of condition come from the Qur’an and the last Prophet’s teachings which he bequeathed to his companions alone.
  2. Taste: This principle consists of the feeling of pleasure, enjoyment and looking forward to doing the same over and over. The fact that we correctly know an aspect of ibadat and our engagement in any of it does not fulfill the basic criteria of its acceptability by Allah; we must continuously like what we are doing or saying in all circumstances; before, during and after. As soon as we perceive any of its aspect as a burden, liability or straining, that aspect stands rejected or rebuffed by Allah. In fact, Allah is more concerned with our state of mind than our mere appearance, utterances or actions. A popular tradition of the Apostle of Allah expatiates better, thus:
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:
“Verily Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth but He looks to your heart and to your deeds.”(Muslim)
Thus, the inner characteristic of a man or a woman forms the basis or condition of one’s acceptance of his or her deeds by Allah. Allah’s knowledge surpasses the outwards or the apparent of any act of ibadats! He knows what is in our hearts and minds.
Accomplishment: The principle of execution involves doing or carrying out the learned or acquired skills or practices to the letter. It means the state of being enthusiastic, passionate and whole-hearted during the process of performing the rites and any act of ibadats. Knowing and not doing is not enough a duty worthy of recompense before Allah. We accomplish only when we follow the true way and are pleased with what Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala has prescribed for us.
4.Sincerity: This is the most important and the most decisive criteria fulfilling the acceptability of one’s deeds. It means the inner motive of everyone’s deeds and utterances towards gaining the pleasure of Allah, the Most Exalted! It is that which is only between Allah and His servants. 

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